Purdue University Northwest - Notification Settings (Student Guide)

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To change your notification settings, access your account notifications. From here you can customize email notifications regarding certain updates in your course. 

 Steps to Change your Notification Settings

  1. Select your name in the right corner of your screen and select Notifications in the box that pops up below. 

  1. By default, the box for receiving emails for Announcements will be selected. Personalize your notifications by determining which areas of your Brightspace courses you wish to receive email notifications for.

  1. The first section will be your contact information with your @purdue.edu email. Note: As Brightspace is a Purdue University system you cannot change your email address to @pnw.edu. If you are not receiving email notifications please check your email forwarding settings here1 

  1. The second section of the notification page is Summary of Activity. From here you can set Brightspace to send you a summary of the activity in each of your courses. You can set it for weekly or monthly reports but it will automatically be set to Never. 

  1. The third section is Instant Notifications. From here you can choose what notifications you want to receive. These notifications are in regards to topics like: Activity feed, Announcements, Assignments, Content, Discussions, Grades, and Quizzes. 

  1. The last two sections on the page are Customize Notifications and Exclude Some Courses. The option to Customize Notifications allows for two things: 

  •  1. To send your grade value in notifications regarding your grades and  
  •   2. To allow future courses to send you notifications.  

Exclude Some Courses allows you to select a course that you no longer want to receive notifications from.  

  1.  Select "Save" to save your selections.