How do I print to the Purdue IT Learning Spaces wide format printers?

Tags Printers


Purdue Learning Spaces supports the wide format (poster) printer available for student use in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC).  


The printer is located on the 2nd floor close to the Purdue IT Labs Help Desk.  Please note:  you must visit the help desk during staffed hours to use the wide format printer.  Please see Current Hours for current staffing times.

How do I print?

  1. You will need to add money to your PaperCut account to print using the wide format printers.  You cannot use the print quota allotted to users for the academic year.  Instructions for transferring funds from your BoilerExpress account to your PaperCut account can be found at How do I add funds to my PaperCut print quota?
  2. Using an Purdue IT Windows PC, click the 'Start' button (in the bottom left corner), and type in:
    \\\itap-walcwideprinting for WALC 
  3. Wait until a box pops up that looks like this:
    Capture of wide screen printing queue
  4. Export your document as a PDF and open it in Adobe Acrobat DC.
  5. Do NOT attempt to print from a browser (e.g. Edge or Chrome) or from Acrobat Reader DC.
  6. Ensure everything is correct in your document, then select 'Print'.
  7. In the print dialogue box (Figure 2), select the wide format printer (1).  Then, under 'Page Sizing and Handling', select 'Fit' (2).  Under 'Orientation', select 'Auto portrait/landscape' (3).
    Capture of Wide Printing Options
  8. Click the 'Properties' button (4).  In this window (Figure 3), select your document size (or select 'Custom...' and manually enter the dimensions)(5).  Select a print quality (6). Click on the 'Layout/Output' tab (7).
    Capture of Wide Printing Options 2

  9. In this window (Figure 4), select 'Center' for the alignment (8).  For 'Rotation', select "Autorotate" (9).  Click 'OK' (10), which will return you to the print dialogue screen (Figure 5).
  10. A preview image of your print will be available in the print preview box (11).  Make sure this looks right (i.e., your print should take up most of the page) and come to the Purdue IT help desk nearest the printer if it does not.
  11. Finally, click 'Print' (12).
  12. Come up to the Purdue IT desk nearest to the printer and let us know you are printing to the wide format printer.  We will ask a few questions and release your job.  

NOTE:  If you need help, please come to the Purdue IT help desk at WALC.  The team will be happy to assist.

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.

Purdue IT Request Print Article


Article ID: 168
Tue 4/4/23 6:52 AM
Fri 7/21/23 3:02 PM

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