How do I order an official copy of my transcripts?


This article provides directions for requesting official transcripts from Purdue both through Banner and prior to its use from summer session 1968 to the Fall semester of 2002.


If you are currently enrolled at the Purdue West Lafayette, Purdue @ Indianapolis campus or a Polytechnic Statewide location, you may submit your request directly on myPurdue under the Academic tab.

If you are a current or past Purdue Global (formerly Kaplan University) student, please e-mail

Requesting academic transcripts using the myPurdue portal

Login to the myPurdue Portal, You will need to use your career account username and password in order to log into myPurdue. If you do not know your username or password, please see How do I find my career account username.

Order Transcripts

  1. After logged into myPurdue, click in the Find cards search field at the top of the screen. 
  2. Type: 'Order Transcript'. 
  3. Click on the Transcript & Grade popup.,
  4. From the Transcript & Grades card, click on 'Order Official Transcript'.

Follow the instructions on the page for ordering the official Purdue University Transcript. 

Ordering transcripts manually

Alumni and former students from West Lafayette, Calumet (Purdue Northwest), Fort Wayne, North Central (Purdue Northwest), or a Polytechnic Statewide location with attendance in 1968 to the present may use the online Transcript Request System.

NOTE:  Alumni and former students will need to register a new account to access the online transcript request system.

Transcripts are also available in person in Suite 176, Stewart Center, at the West Lafayette campus.  This is not a service available to PurdueGlobal current or former students. Walk in office hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, excluding university holidays. Photo identification is required when making the request in person.Online requests are processed within one to three business days.

  • Official transcripts are provided free-of-charge by the Office of the Registrar. 
  • Each student/alumnus is limited to 10 transcripts per request and 50 transcripts per term. 
  • The online transcript system will accept attachments to be included in the mailing of your transcript. Attachments must be in one of the following formats: Word, Excel, or .pdf 
  • If your request requires the transcript to be mailed in a special envelope, you may indicate that in your online order.  
  • Purdue West Lafayette or Purdue Polytechnic Statewide Only: For transcripts that require currently enrolled courses (for which grades have yet to be posted) or candidate for graduation (degree status does not indicate awarded), the production of your transcript can be delayed. Be sure to include this on your request form.
  • Questions? Refer to the Quick Reference Guide regarding the eTranscript online ordering system or send an e-mail to

If you cannot submit a request via the options above, you may request your transcript by mail, fax or e-mail your transcript request form. Send your request to:

Fax:  765-494-0570

Purdue University
Office of the Registrar, Room 45
610 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040


You may obtain a copy of your student's transcript by submitting a copy of your most recent tax forms, providing that the aforementioned student is your financial dependent. These documents may be sent by e-mail to the Office of the Registrar at Please include your student's full name, PUID/Student Identification Number, and date of birth.

Transcript keys

Purdue University produces two types of official transcripts. Banner transcripts are printed in the portrait format and contain Fall 2002-present records. Pre-Banner transcripts are printed in the landscape format and contain 1968-Summer 2002 records.

The following are the keys for each type of official transcript:

Banner Transcript Key (.pdf)
Pre-Banner Transcript Key (.pdf)


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