What services are available in myPurdue?


The myPurdue web portal provides content specific information to students, faculty, and staff. 


Students can register themselves for courses (including dropping and adding their own courses) and have access to their personal information, including course schedules, account balances, and information on holds, financial aid, and more.  Faculty will be able to view class schedules, download course rosters, and post grades.

  • A web portal is often an entry point to various systems, including links to other web pages. The myPurdue web portal (product name Ellucian Experience) provides access to various backend systems, including two other SunGard Higher Education products (Self Service Banner (SSB) and Administrative Banner. From within myPurdue, you are also able to access Brightspace and TouchNet, the on-line payment system, without having to log in a second time using 'single sign-on (SSO).' SSO allows you to login once and gain access to the resources of the multiple software systems without needing to log in again.
  • Self Service Banner (SSB) is the system that enables students to access their personal information, course schedules, account balances, and information on holds, financial aid, and register for courses.  It also enables instructors to view class schedules, post grades, and download course rosters (including some staff with the pre-approved course roster viewer role).
  • Administrative Banner enables administrative staff in the offices of Admissions, Registrar, Bursar, and Financial Aid to matriculate a student more efficiently. Schedule Deputies and some Advising staff will also use INB in their daily job duties.
  • Purdue has contracted with TouchNet Information Systems to allow students to manage their student finances easily. Students (and parents if authorized by the student) will be able to view bills, enroll in payment plans, authorize direct deposit, and pay student fees online. Payments accepted through TouchNet systems include Web-Check for electronic funds transfer/online banking features and the following credit cards: MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. A convenience fee of 2.85% will apply if you choose to make payment with a credit card. TouchNet Information Systems will not accept visa. 
    NOTE:  The convenience fee may be changed as needed, please refer to Bursar website for current fee https://www.purdue.edu/bursar.
  • UniTime is the classroom and event scheduling software. To learn more about requesting an event in a classroom, visit the room scheduler page at Room schedule


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Courses and registration are key activities within the University.