myPurdue Proxy Access – Student Guide

Students can give parents, legal guardians, or other trusted parties access to view certain pieces of their student information online. This is called granting proxy access, and the person who is granted this authorization is called a myPurdue proxy. The student controls the entire process and can add anyone with a valid email address as a proxy.

This consent is necessary to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of students and prohibits institutions of higher education from disclosing any student information, including financial information, without the explicit authorization of the student.

Creating a Proxy

Purpose of a Proxy: Create an account to provide a trusted person with electronic access to your student information at Purdue.

  1. Navigate to the myPurdue Portal and log in with your career account username and password.
  2. From the top left, click on the Main Menu. Main Menu
  3. Click on the Discover menu.
  4. In the Find cards text start typing Personal Information.Find cards with Purdue hero image.
  5. Click on Personal Information when it is displayed below as the text is typed. Find cards - typed text: Person pop-up display
  6. On the Personal Information card displayed, click on the My Proxies link.

  1. Read & Accept the Consent to Conduct Business Electronically by clicking on the ACCEPT & CONTINUE button at the bottom of the consent.
  2. The Proxy Management page displays.
  3. From the top right, click on the Add New button.

Proxy Management - add Proxy

  1. On the Proxy Information form, enter the following information about your proxy:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. E-mail address
    4. Verify E-mail address.
      1. Note: proxies will use this email address to log in and access the authorized pages. Please ensure the email address is entered correctly and is valid.
    5. From the Select a Relationship field, select MyPurdue Proxy.
    6. In the Start Date field, select a valid start date.
      1. A valid start date is a future date including today.
    7. In the Stop Date field, select a future stop date.
      1. The future date could be your graduation date, or any other date you choose.

Additional Information

  1. In the Description field enter a logical description for the proxy.
    1. A description could be mom, dad, Tuition payer, etc. 
  2. In the Passphrase field, enter a passphrase for the proxy’s account.
    1. The passphrase needs to be shared with your proxy to access their account.
    2. If the proxy has forgotten the passphrase, you can create a new passphrase for them.

Authorizations (Required)

The authorizations selected will grant your Proxy access to the information contained in these areas.

  1. Financial Aid Requirements
  2. Financial Aid Award Offer
  3. Financial Aid History
  4. Aid Messages displayed on Resource Tab
  5. Messages displayed on Notifications Tab
  6. Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
  7. College Financing Plan
  8. Academic Transcript
  9. Student Grades
  10. Week at a Glance Schedule
  11. Detail Schedule
  12. Student Holds
  13. Click on the Submit button to finalize the proxy’s account setup.

Note: Granting proxy access does NOT grant the proxy permission to make changes on your behalf. They will not be able to edit any of the information on these pages.

Proxy Information Form

  1. Upon success, the new proxy will appear in the Proxy List. Your proxy will receive an email with directions for setting up and accessing their account. The email will include the username (proxy’s email address) and initial password. The proxy will need to complete the registration/authentication process by visiting the link provided in the email.

  1. After completing the authentication process, the proxy will be able to log in and view the authorized information pages.

Additional Information tabs

Proxy Authorization History

You also can view your authorization history to determine which pages have been enabled and disabled in the past. To view the Authorization Log:

  1. Click on the History tab.

  1. In this tab, you will find an authorization log that lists the history of your authorizations for the proxy. This log provides you with the following information:
    1. A date and time of the change in authorization.
    2. The Action. Actions include Enabling and Disabling of the page.
    3. The title of the page

Proxy Communication Log

The Communication tab holds a detailed list of any notification messages transmitted to the Proxy, and the subject of the messages have been sent. For example, when you add a proxy, they are sent email messages informing them that you have granted them access. The history of the transmission of these types of messages are kept in this log. This is also where you can resend messages if needed.

The Action date refers to when the proxy activated the URL within the message by clicking on it. The Expiration Date refers to when the URL within the messages will last be active.

To resend a message

If the proxy does not receive the email messages or accidentally deletes them, visit this tab and click the message icon in the Resend column of the log.


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