Print Deploy is a self-service printer management tool that allows you to add and remove printers on your Purdue issued computer.
Please follow the directions below for instructions for Mac and Windows.
The Print Deploy tool can be found in the menu/task bar by your computer’s date/time in the form of a printer icon.


Click “View my printers” to open the application.
The utility may ask you to log in with your Purdue career account. If it does, login using your Purdue career account and password to authenticate (not Duo). Please Note: The utility may prompt you to login from time to time.

Once you are logged in, the “My printers” homepage will show currently installed printers.

To remove a printer, click on the trash can icon located alongside the printer information.

If your desired printer is not installed, click “Add Printers” on the left-hand navigation bar.
Find the printer that you want to install and click the green install button next to it.

Confirm that the printer installed by clicking on “My printers”.
- Now you are ready to print!
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