Purdue Fort Wayne is implementing 2-Factor Authentication protections to validate log ins and access. The first factor is your username and account password. The second factor utilizes the Duo Universal Prompt on your smartphone and provides several methods to verify your identity.
When visiting a PFW Web SSO-protected application such as goPFW or Brightspace, you will be prompted with the PFW login page.

You will need to enter your PFW username and password then click on “Log in”.
Trouble logging in? There are options available just below the login prompt for activating your account (First-time users), resetting your password by answering challenge questions (Forgot password?), and resetting your password if you know your current password (Change password).
The Duo Universal Prompt
After successfully entering your career account username and password on the Purdue login screen, you will come to the Duo Universal Prompt. If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to set up Duo. This is explained in further detail below under “Setting Up Duo”.
If you have already set up Duo, you will see a prompt to verify your identity (example image available below). The method displayed will default to whatever you last used to verify.

Other verification methods are available, depending on what you have set up by clicking on “Other options” (example image below). The options available are explained in further detail, below, under “Duo Verification Methods”.

If you are having difficulty completing verification, you can click on “other options”, then click on “Bypass Code”. A bypass code can be obtained by contacting the Service Desk. Service Desk contact information can be found by clicking on “Need help?” at the bottom of the duo prompt.
After completing verification, you will be redirected to the website you are attempting to access.
Setting Up Duo
On your first login to a Purdue Web SSO-protected application, you will be prompted to set up Duo. Please follow the on-screen prompts. More information on the available verification methods is provided below, under “Duo Verification Methods”.
To set up Duo on your mobile device:
Download Duo Mobile on your Apple or Android Device

If you already have the Duo Mobile app installed and configured for another account, such as your IU or Purdue account(s), simply open the app and click the "+Add" button to add your Purdue Fort Wayne Account.

If you require any additional assistance, please call your campus’s IT Service Desk. Contact information is available by clicking on “Need help?” at the bottom of the Duo prompt.
Duo Verification Methods
A list of available verification methods and a description of their use is available below.
- Duo Push: This option is available if you have set up the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. By selecting this method, a push notification will be sent to the Duo Mobile app. A 3-digit code will appear in the Universal Duo Window. You will need to enter this 3-digit code on your mobile device when the push notification comes through. This method requires that your mobile device is connected to the internet.
- Duo Mobile Passcode: This option is available if you have set up the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or tablet and will work with low-to-no internet access on your mobile device. You will be prompted to enter a 6 digit passcode. This passcode can be found in the Duo Mobile app. Tap on your account name in the app (by default it is named Purdue University) and you should see a 6-digit code next to the word “Passcode”. Enter this number to complete verification. Each passcode is valid for approximately 30 seconds. You can obtain a new passcode by tapping on “Refresh passcode”.
- Bypass Code: This option is available to users who have lost, for whatever reason, access to their device and/or app. A bypass code can be obtained by reaching out to the Service Desk for assistance.
- Hardware Token Passcode: This option is available if you have requested or purchased a hardware token. By selecting this method, you will be prompted for a 6-digit passcode. Press the hardware token’s button to generate a 6-digit passcode, then enter that passcode in the prompt. To request a token, visit you campus Purdue IT Service Desk location in person. Hardware tokens can be purchased by a third-party vendor.
Adding or Removing Duo Devices
You can manage your devices at the Duo Universal Prompt by clicking on “Other Options”, then click on “Manage devices”. You will be required to complete verification in order to manage your devices.

If you are already signed in and are having difficulty accessing the Duo Universal Prompt, simply navigate to a PFW Web SSO-protected application (such as goPFW or Brightspace) on a web browser you have not signed in with yet, or through a “private” or “incognito” tab on the web browser you’re currently using. Please refer to your web browser’s support for more information. Alternatively, you can sign out of any application you’re signed into.
In the device management portal you can add a new device or click on “I have a new phone” on a device you’ve replaced.
Troubleshooting Tips
If any of the troubleshooting tips below do not resolve your issue then please contact your campus’s Purdue IT Service Desk. Contact information is available by clicking on “Need help?” at the bottom of the Duo Universal Prompt.
I’m not receiving push notifications: First verify that your device has a good internet connection (WiFi, mobile data, etc). Next, make sure you have the Duo Mobile app open and try logging in again. If you are in an area with low signal, try using a Duo Mobile Passcode instead.
I forgot my password: Go to and follow the prompts to reset your password or contact the Service Desk to request a reset.
I have a new device/lost my previous device: Please follow the instructions under “Adding or Removing Duo Devices” to navigate to the device management portal and add a new or replace your previous device(s).
I need a bypass code: Contact the Service Desk to initiate this request.
My Duo Mobile Passcode isn’t working: Tap on “Refresh passcode” and enter the new passcode. Each passcode is valid for approximately 30 seconds. If you are still having issues, make sure your device’s time and date settings are properly set. Refer to your device manufacturer’s support for more information.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.