How do I hide a grade column from students in D2L Brightspace?


This article shows the reader how to hide a grade column from students in D2L Brightspace



This article shows the reader how to hide a grade column from students in D2L Brightspace


Hide Column from Students

1.  From the course navigation bar, click ‘Grades’.

Screenshot of the Grades option

2.  Click ‘Manage Grades’.

Screenshot of the Manage Grades option

3.  Click the arrow next to the item you want to hide from students.

Screenshot of the Actions arrow to the right of an item's name

4.  Select 'Hide from Users' from the drop-down.

Screenshot of the Hide from Users option in the item's Actions menu

5.  A symbol of an eye with a slash through it will appear next to the hidden item.

Screenshot of the Hidden icon

Restoring Columns Hidden from the Grade Center

1.  Click ‘Manage Grades’.

Screenshot of the Manage Grades option

2.  Click the arrow next to the item you want to make visible to students.

Screenshot of the Actions arrow to the right of an item's name

3.  Select ‘Make Visible to Users’ from the drop-down.

 Screenshot of the Make Visible to Users option in the item's Actions menu

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Article ID: 235
Thu 5/4/23 7:40 PM
Mon 5/22/23 9:49 PM

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