Where do I find help with eRezLife?


eRezLife Software is a web application used by students to apply for Resident Assistant (RA) positions and also for BGR Team Leader & Team Supervisor positions for the evaluation and selection processes.



This article describes where to find help with eRezLife.


eRezLife Software is a web application used by students to apply for Resident Assistant (RA) positions and also for BGR Team Leader & Team Supervisor positions for the evaluation and selection processes. Additionally, Residence Life uses it for capturing UR-related information via forms and also for bulletins/general information sharing.

BGR Team Leader & Team Supervisor application: https://purdueorientation.erezlife.com/

Residence Life: https://purdueur.erezlife.com/

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 256
Mon 5/8/23 8:25 PM
Fri 5/12/23 2:32 PM

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