A Request for Privileges (R4P) is an electronic form that is used for requesting privileges to University resources. Future employees and individuals with unique relationships with Purdue University are eligible for designated University privileges.
To request access for any group noted below, the Request for Privileges form may be completed by clicking the link or by asking your Business Office personnel for assistance in this process. Instructions on how to use the R4P request system can be found at here.
Relationship types available to all users
- (EC) Vet School - ECFVG Student.
- (FE) Future employees (including Visiting Scholars) with an accepted offer who need privileges prior to their data being entered into SAP.
- (NE) Non-employees (consultants).
- (NT) New Hire Temporary Employees who need a PUID and/or email prior to their data being entered into SAP.
- (VS) Visiting students who are not paid by Purdue, but are engaged in research or attending classes as part of an exchange program.
Relationship types available to limited users
- (BT) Board of Trustees - in Org Unit 00000075.
- (ER) Emeritus Retirees - in Org Unit 00000292.
- (OR) Official Retiree - in Org Unit 00000292.
- (HD) House Directors - in Org Unit 00000185.
- (RL) University Religious Leaders - in Org Unit 00000185.
- (CE) County Extension Staff - in Org Units 00000250, 00000093 and 00000138.
The official Guidelines for Providing Privileges to Designated University Resources, in accordance with Executive Memorandum No. C-12 can be found at these links.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.