How to locate your Purdue Career Account username if you are a current student or staff member.
Locating your Purdue Career Account username if you are a current student or staff member
- Navigate to the Purdue Directory.
- Enter your first and last name into the 'Search field', and then click the 'Search' button.
- At the bottom of the page, you will see your search results.
- Click on the 'More' button next to your name to see more details. You will see your career account login as well as other directory information.
Locating your Purdue Career Account username if you are an incoming or prospective student
- You initially receive your Career Account username while going through the account setup process. If you have not yet setup your account then you will not be visible in the Purdue Directory. Please see 'How do I setup my Purdue Career Account?'.
- If you know your Purdue email address, then you want the 'username' portion of ''.
- Your Purdue username is based on your name, typically either first initial and a portion of your last name up to 8 characters or, if you have a common name, a portion of your last name with numbers appended up to 8 characters. For example, jpublic for Joe Public. Your username is not the same as your Purdue ID number (PUID) which is a ten-digit number used instead of your Social Security number, for example 00123-45678.
- If you continue to have any issues, please contact the Service Desk by phone at (765)494-4000 or click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.