How do i change a list’s owner/moderator/editor?


Instructions on how to change a list's owner, moderator or editor.



Instructions on how to change a list's owner, moderator or editor.  


  1. Go to and log in using your email address as the username, and your Purdue career account password.
  2. Click the List Configuration from the menu on the left side of the page.
    1. If you are an owner or editor of more than one list, be sure to select the appropriate list from the drop-down menu below Select List and click on the Update button to the right

  3. Click the Administrators button from the main pane
  4. The list header will be displayed. You should be very careful before making changes to the list header since it will affect the list’s behavior.
  5. To add an Owner, enter that person’s email address into the field to the right of Owner=. Each email address should be on a separate line.
  6. To add a Moderator, enter that person’s email address into the field to the right of Moderator=. Each email address should be on a separate line.
  7. To add an Editor, enter that person’s email address into the field to the right of Editor=. Each email address should be on a separate line.
  8. Click the Update button on the lower right of the page to save your changes.


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Article ID: 519
Thu 10/5/23 9:10 PM
Thu 10/5/23 9:11 PM

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