How do I update my phone number in SuccessFactors?


These directions outline how employees can update their phone number within SuccessFactors.



These directions outline how employees can update their phone number within SuccessFactors. When an employee has a text enabled phone number in SuccessFactors, they will be able to utilize the password reset function of BoilerBot.


  1. Go to and use the shortcut to launch “Employee Launchpad” for “Sap SuccessFactors”

  2. Click on the icon for “My Profile”

    A black and gold card with a person in the middleDescription automatically generated
  1. Click on “Personal Information” and scroll down slightly to “Contact Information”.  Use the pencil icon to edit your “Contact Information”

  2. Under “Phone Information”, add your cell phone number in the ########## format. In the drop-down menu for “Is Primary”, choose “Yes”. You can only have one phone number marked as primary:


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Article ID: 529
Mon 10/23/23 11:54 AM
Thu 10/26/23 9:56 AM

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