Ag - How do I map a shared drive on a Purdue-managed or personal Mac


Instructions on how to map a shared drive on a Purdue-managed or personal Mac



Ag - These are the steps to be taken to map Ag network shares on either a managed or personally owned Mac.



  • Managed device - Be hard-wired to the Purdue domain, connected to PAL, or connected to the VPN
  • Personal device - Be connected to PAL or the VPN
  • Extension - Please reference this Knowledge Base article for network paths to extension-specific shared drives


  1. Click on the Desktop
  2. Either press cmd+k or select "GO" from the menu bar and select "Connect to Server..."
  3. Finder
  4. Enter the path for the drive you need to access - without quotes - listed below
    • Public drive: "smb://"
      • Unsecured folders that can be shared throughout the College of Agriculture. These can be seen by all Agriculture users and is periodically purged. Don’t save anything important here or at least make sure there’s a backup somewhere. Used to quickly and easily share an unsecured file with many people throughout the College of Agriculture
    • Projects drive: "smb://"
      • Folders that can be shared throughout the Agriculture College. Requires permission to create the folder and allow access for users. Used for college-wide shared projects.
    • Department drive: "smb://<dept abbreviation>"
      • Folders that can be shared throughout a department. These folders are accessible by the entire department and should only contain files that anyone in a given department is allowed to access
    • User drive: "smb://<dept abbreviation>/<userid>"
      • User-specific folder. User is the only person who should have access to this (Ag-specific)
    • User drive(Campus): "smb://<username>"
      • Campus-wide shared drive that is mapped on all campus machines
  5. If you click the '+' before hitting Connect it will keep this saved as a favorite server to easily reconnect in the future
    • NOTE: If you map these network drives on a personal Mac, you will need to type in your Purdue Login after clicking Connect. Make sure to check the box next to "Remember this password in my keychain" so that you are not asked for your Purdue Login each time you access the network drive. Your username will need to start with "boilerad\" (i.e. - boilerad\joepublic)
    • Credential Window
  6. These will map by default to /Volumes
  7. If you do not see them on your Desktop, click on your Desktop, select "Finder" from the menu bar and select "Settings..."
  8. Settings
  9. In the "General" tab check the box next to "Connected servers" to show these on your desktop.
  10. Connected servers


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Article ID: 594
Thu 2/22/24 9:44 AM
Tue 2/4/25 2:04 PM