Purdue Fort Wayne- Requirements for Installing a New Office Printer


The document provides a list of requirements that need to be met to install a newly purchased printer.



The document provides a list of requirements that need to be met to install a newly purchased printer.


In order to successfully have a newly purchased printer installed, you will need to answer the following questions:

  1. Is all of the required equipment gathered?
    1. Is the printer in the room where it will be installed?
    2. Are the necessary cables gathered? (Local install printers will require a usb cable, this is not provided by ITS)
    3. If the printer is going to be a network printer, is an existing network drop available?
  2. What is its service tag number or serial number?
    1. This can be found on the printer or on its original packaging.
  3. Is there an existing printer? (only applies if printer is going to be locally installed)
    1. If yes, have the correct arrangements been made to remove this printer (salvage forms, move request) ?
  4. What is the make and model of the printer?
    1. Example: HP LaserJet 4050


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Article ID: 709
Wed 5/15/24 12:03 PM
Thu 5/16/24 2:07 PM

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