Can I use a wireless microphone in a classroom?


To use a wireless microphone, you must be in a classroom that has a wireless mic receiver. Wireless microphone receivers are provided in many of the larger classroom.



To use a wireless microphone, you must be in a classroom that has a wireless mic receiver.  Wireless microphone receivers are provided in many of the larger classrooms.


Wireless microphone receivers are provided in many of the larger classroom. For a list of these rooms, please see

A shared lapel mic is provided in every classroom with a wireless mic system. Instructors who want to use a personal mic instead may request one using a link in the Microphones sections of the TIC Locations page. This mic can be worn over the ear and used in any classroom with wireless mic capability. There is no cost to the instructor.  

NOTE:  Instructors with a personal wireless mic transmitter may use it in most classrooms with a wireless mic system. However, many classrooms have a new digital system that is incompatible with personal transmitters. These rooms are indicated on the TIC Locations page. Purdue IT does not recommend purchasing a personal wireless mic transmitter because it may not be compatible in the room where you are teaching. This is a result of changes in the frequency spectrum.

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Article ID: 94
Tue 3/28/23 8:50 AM
Fri 5/24/24 3:05 PM

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