Cybersecurity Request


Cybersecurity supports Purdue’s cybersecurity training programs, initiatives, and answering your questions.

Common Requests

  • Schedule training
  • Cybersecurity question / advice
Links to related Knowledge Base articles can be found in the "Related Articles" panel.
Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (3)

Email spoofing is a growing problem and has unfortunately reached the point where you can't reliably trust the information associated with an email to tell you who actually sent the message.
How to install Malwarebytes, a free anti-virus that Purdue Information Technology is recommending for students, faculty and staff to use on their personal computers.
Malwarebytes is the recommended anti-virus software for personal machines. It is available as a free download for students, faculty, and staff on the Purdue Community Hub under the Antivirus and Security Software page, as well as directly from their website