Directory Services Request


Directory Services Request

Common Requests

  • Questions about the tools listed above


Links to related Knowledge Base articles can be found in the "Related Articles" panel.
Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (4)

This article provides step-by-step instructions for mapping an external drive to your computer.
This article provides instructions for moving  your data from  your W:drive (home directory) to OneDrive on an ESS (formerly CSDS) supported computer.
The document outlines the device policy for student housing, which specifies some allowed and not allowed devices, and provides a guide to connect certain devices to the internet. The document also encourages the users to contact the help desk if they have any questions or doubts about the policy.
Endpoint Services supports over 218 distinct drive mappings. Most of the standard department drives are listed in this article.


Service Offering Id: 35
Tue 3/14/23 3:43 PM
Tue 4/23/24 9:50 AM