This article provides step--by-step instructions for how Purdue Research Foundation employees can change their Microsoft365 password.
NOTE: These instructions are only for Purdue Research Foundation employees.
- Open a browser and go to http://owa.prf.org.
- After logging in to Office 365 with your full email address and password, click the 'Settings' icon in the upper right hand corner of the page.
- Select 'Options' from the menu given.
- You will be directed to the 'My Account' page.
- The right side of that page is titled: 'Shortcut to Other Things You Can Do'. Click the 'Change your password' link.
- Enter the old password in the 'Old password' field.
- Enter the new password in the 'New password' field and again in the 'Confirm new password' field. Office 365 passwords must follow these requirements:
- Use 8 to 16 characters
- Microsoft 365 requires a strong password (the Password strength bar will be green in color). To be considered a strong password, it must contain at least 3 of the following:
- Lowercase characters
- Uppercase characters
- Numbers (0-9)
- Symbols, including: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ < > ( ) ;
- Don't use your user name (the part of your user ID to the left of the @ symbol).
- Click 'Save' to save the password. Use the new password at the next login.
NOTE: Don’t forget to change any other devices (cell phones, tablets etc).
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