This article contains step-by-step instructions for viewing the training videos provided by Four Winds.
There are two options for watching training videos:
1. Purdue has created a series of training videos available here: https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/DigitalSignUsersandResources/Shared%20Documents/Forms/Videos.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FDigitalSignUsersandResources%2FShared%20Documents%2FTraining%20Videos&viewid=26fe7e85%2Dfe19%2D4de0%2D8dbf%2D8b5547f18f4a
Visitors will need to sign in Microsoft 365 with their Purdue credentials to access. First time visitors will see a "You need permission to access this site" and should click the "Request Access" button; once permission is granted, you will receive an email notification.
2. Four Winds offers a wide range of How To videos for customers.
- Visit https://fourwindsinteractive.force.com/login to create a Four Winds Interactive account with your @purdue.edu email address.

- Login using your FWI Community account created in Step 1.
- Select 'Training' > 'Free Webinars' from the drop down menu at the top of the web page. Scroll down to watch recorded 'Past Webinars'.
NOTE: If new to FWI Cloud, it may be helpful to select one containing an overview of FWI Cloud. Length of the webinars vary. Most are approximately 30 minutes.
- Select 'Training' > 'Videos' from the drop-down menu at the top of the web page. Select a recorded video to watch on the item of interest.
NOTE: These are a few minutes each with the ability to click and continue to the next one.
- Select 'Support' > 'My Cases' > 'Create Case'
NOTE: If your department is participating in Purdue's FWI Cloud Services and you are a contributor/author for the sign's content/development requiring assistance, a ticket request may be submitted to FWI support staff.
NOTE: Hardware ticket requests (player, display, network, etc.) should be sent to your local IT support staff.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.