How do I update JMP to the New Term's License?


This article provides step-by-step instructions for updating JMP  licenses.


New JMP Licenses are available each year upon Purdue’s renewal of its agreement with SAS Inc. and will arrive on Purdue’s Community Hub Software Storefront in September or October of each year.

Download the JMP license file

  1. New license files are only required if you have an expired JMP installation.  The current license is always included in the Full Version download of the software.  But a smaller package that just includes the license files can also be downloaded  from the appropriate JMP product page at:
  2. JMP is available to eligible users in the Statistical Software section.  On the appropriate product page for either Personal or University installs, Select the 'License Update (For Expired Installs)' option.
  3. Once the order process is complete, download the zip file that contains the new term’s SID file.  Extract the included 'SID files' to a location on your computer where you can easily access them.

Launch JMP

  1. If your JMP license is past the expiration date, the first screen you see at JMP launch will be a message that your JMP license has expired.  Otherwise, go to the 'Help menu' and select 'Renew License'.
  2. Click 'Open License'.
  3. At the prompt, navigate to where you saved the SID files.  Find the folder for your current version of JMP, and then within that folder, the folder for your computer OS.  Contained in that folder should be the license file to update your installation of JMP.  Select the file and click 'Open'. 
  4. Enter an Administrator Name and Department.  This should be 'Purdue University' and 'Purdue University'. Click 'OK'.

Verify license update

Click the 'Help' drop down menu in JMP and select 'About JMP'.  A new Expires date should now be listed.


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Article ID: 169
Tue 4/4/23 7:17 AM
Tue 4/4/23 7:18 AM

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