Instructions on how to forward my Cisco VOIP phone to ring on a different number.
To forward calls on your primary line to another number, press the Fwd All softkey.
Enter a phone number or 45111 to forward all calls to your voicemail.
Look for confirmation of the forward on your phone display.
To cancel call forwarding, press 'Fwd Off'.
- Call Forwarding can also be set up in the Self Care Portal: http://myphone.voip.purdue.edu
- If requested for a login, use your career account.
To set up your phone to forward all incoming calls to another number, perform the following procedure:
- Click the Phones tab.
- In the left navigation pane, click Call Forwarding.
- Click the phone number on which you want to set up call forwarding.
- Click the Forward Calls To: check box.
- From the drop down list, select Voicemail OR select Add a New Number to enter an alternate number.

NOTE: When entering a new number, remember to enter the number exactly how you would dial it from your desk phone. Click 'Save'
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