What is Connect2 for the Recreation and Wellness department?


“Connect2”(or “C2”) from Connect2Concepts is software that provides RecWell managers with a mobile tool to streamline their operations and centralize their communications. It is accessed via web portal and an iOS iPad app allows for collection, management and reporting on information. From electronic accident reports to paperless incident reports to online forms and training manuals, the mobile operations management software helps RecWell be more efficient and effective.


Desktop access is via browser. Please be sure to use Google Chrome for access. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are not recommended for this service.

RecWell management and authorized personnel access the Connect2 software on iPad via specialized application. The app is deployed by Mobile Iron on authorized RecWell iPads.  The application uses Single Sign On (SSO) . It can also be accessed via web portal on desktop. It does not require an installed client on desktop

For any issues or questions please contact: CoRec Member Services at 765-494-3109 or recwellreservations@purdue.edu.

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