What is PETS (Purdue Event Tracking System)?


PETS (Purdue Event Tracking System) is a web-based application designed and developed in-house in the late 1990s. It has underwent several iterations over the years to improve functionality as business need change and to keep up with technology. PETS is owned by Purdue Conferences and used primarily by Conferences’ staff and building space managers across campus. Users access PETS by logging in at www.calendar.purdue.edu/pets.


Note: We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to access PETS. There are known compatibility issues with Internet Explorer.

For issues related to logging in and using the PETS application or requests to add/remove users, submit a ticket using the Purdue IT request button and ask direct the request to IT_SS_SLS_SYS_ADMIN.

For questions about potential upcoming events or space planning for future events, email eventschedule@purdue.edu.

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.

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