How do I create an access key for URHome?

Tags URHome


URHome is a wireless network broadcast located in the residence halls.  It is designed to provide a local network capable of supporting multiple personal devices with the use of a single access key.  URHome should be used for gaming systems and other smart connected devices. 

Note: URHome uses residence hall registration information to approve device connections.  Devices will only connect successfully in the residence hall a student is registered in.


To create a URHome authentication key:

  • Visit

    Landing page for WPA2 Registration Portal
  • Review/Accept the terms and conditions and click “Continue”
  • Sign in with two-factor SSO

  • Arrive at the student network portal

    URHome WPA2 Registration Page

  • Select “Generate Password”

    Portal "generate password" button

  • The system will generate an access key. 

    Password screen featuring QR code

Note: you may view your network key by selecting the “eye” icon to the right of the password field.

 Eye button image

  • This will be the password you would then use to access the “URHome” network that is broadcast in the residence halls.

    Note: Access keys are limited to those that are automatically generated and may not be customized.

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Article ID: 432
Wed 7/19/23 9:19 AM
Mon 6/10/24 11:31 AM

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