The Purdue Webclock Records hours worked by clock in and out times. This is a browser based application that employees use to clock in and out at a Kiosk or by accessing webclock.purdue.edu on their mobile device or from a computer.
If you have questions about how to use SuccessFactors, please visit https://www.purdue.edu/hr/mgrres/sucfactors/sftraining/index.php
Below are a list of support links that may assist you with any unexpected issues using the system.
Other Common problems:
Why is someone else still logged into the Purdue WebClock or SuccessFactors on a shared computer?
When a person logs into any browser and are authenticated through CAS (like with BoilerKey), the authentication information stays on their browser and any future logins to the Purdue Webclock or SuccessFactors (within the same “browser session”) will automatically authenticate in.
Options include:
1. Make sure you are closing the browser and all instances of that session before having the next person login
2. Have your browser settings configured to delete cookies upon exiting the browser
3. Use a personal mobile device
4. Clear the browser history
5. Log into a different computer
6. Have each person log in and out of the shared computer before each usage.
Why can't I log into the Purdue WebClock site?
Employees can now record time in 3 ways, negative time entry, positive time entry and Purdue Webclock.
Only staff that are Clock-based Recording staff and their supervisors will log into the Purdue Webclock service to either record time, adjust time or approve time.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.