How do I set up my Android device to read my Office 365 Exchange email?

Title: How do I set up my Android device to read my Office 365 Exchange email? 

Issue/Symptoms: Need to set up my Purdue email (which uses Microsoft 365’s Exchange email service) on an Android mobile device 

Environment: Android devices 


  1. Purdue’s email system using Microsoft’s Outlook for most student, faculty and staff email. To set up an Outlook account on the Android email app, follow the link below for Microsoft Support. 
     (Note: Users have typically had the best success using the Outlook App for email on an Android device, for instructions see Microsoft's “Set up email in the Outlook for Android app”) 

  2. Go to (How to ​​​Set up email in Android email app) 

  3. Follow the instructions from Microsoft. For email address use your email address and your Purdue career account password.  


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Article ID: 538
Thu 11/2/23 11:07 AM
Thu 11/2/23 11:10 AM

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