I'm a new admitted student and just accepted my offer, I want to know my PUID


  • Newly accepted student doesn't know their PUID


  • West Lafayette Campus


  1. For undergraduate and professional students, the PUID number and career account setup password (PIN) needed to activate your account will be located in the acceptance packet that was mailed to you.  For graduate students, your PUID number is provided in your online admission decision letter.  Your PIN was sent to you via email from the Graduate School's Admissions office after you reviewed your online admission decision letter.


  • If you are an undergraduate and do not have your acceptance packet, you will need to contact the Admissions office to retrieve this information. They can be reached by phone at (765)494-1776 or by email at admissions@purdue.edu.
  • If you are a graduate student and have not yet reviewed your online admission decision letter from the Graduate School, please do so to find your PIN. If you have reviewed your online decision letter from the Graduate School, but have not received an email, try checking your spam or junk mail folder.  The email will be from gradinfo@purdue.edu.



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