For any telephone request, please complete this form to generate a ticket with the telephone office: Telephone Request Form
If you have a voice mailbox then consider updating your greeting to include class information or other contact information at Cisco Unity Connection Web Inbox.
If you have been assigned a Purdue University VoIP phone then you can add your cellphone as an alternative device by visiting the PWL:Cisco Self-Care Portal or PNW: Cisco Self-Care Portal and registering an alternative device. If you are off-campus then you will need to connect your VPN first.
At Purdue West Lafayette, to use the soft-phone client (Cisco WebEx):
- Complete the activation form; the client software will not work unless activated.
- You MUST download and configure the 911 software before using the softphone.
- If you have a managed computer, please obtain the application from your software center or desktop support group.
- If you have a self managed compuer, please obtain 911 Location Manager at the Community Hub.
- If necessary download the software from the Webex website or your mobile device app store.
- Follow the WebEx Getting Started guide (PDF).
If you are not an authorized user within Risque it is likely you need to contact your business office or local (departmental) IT team to assist you.
Many other inquiries are handled by our site containing Frequently Asked Questions