TeleHealth Visit Via Point and Click (EHR)

How to launch a TeleHealth visit within PnCSchedule – PUSH:

  1. Login to PnC (PointandClick - EHR) Web Apps.
    1. You should automatically see your PnCSchedule.
  2. Complete ONE of the following on the appointment you’d like to begin -
    1. If patient has not checked in: Right-click Appointment; click Check In + Go To Note
    2. If patient has checked in: Right-click Appointment; click Start Visit
    3. At any time: Double-click Appointment; click green Start button
    4. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. The Zoom client will open another browser window.
    1. Be sure to select the check box to ‘Always allow to open links of this type in the associated app.’
    2. Next, click ‘Open Zoom Meetings’
    3.  Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    4. Note – if the patient has already joined the Zoom meeting – it will appear in RED on your schedule.
      1. You will need to double click the appointment and select “Start Meeting”. Upon request, enter your Purdue Username and password
  4. The Zoom client on your desktop will launch and start the meeting.
    1. Click “Join Audio Conference by Computer”
  5. What the student sees prior to joining the Zoom meeting - In the OpenCommunicator student portal, the student will have a link to check in for a Telehealth appointment.
    1. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. What the student sees prior to joining the Zoom meeting continued - The student will verify their location if they have not already done so (which can have an impact due to state variations on telehealth laws and policies), and then click a link to join the meeting.
    1. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    2. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. The provider can verify the location in the scheduler.
    1. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  8. You should now see yourself and your patient in a Zoom meeting window.
    1. If your video has not started upon launching the meeting > across the bottom of the Zoom meeting window, You’ will need to click on ‘Start Video’.
    2. Best practice for virtual meetings is to maneuver your Webcam so that it appears that you are looking at your patient, even when you are charting/reviewing the chart. Take the time to adjust your WebCam now.
  9. You will also want to split your computer screen so that you may view the Zoom meeting as well as the patient chart.
    1. Across the bottom of the Windows desktop screen, you will see a tool bar. Right click on that tool bar and select “Show windows side by side”
    2. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  10. When you start your TeleHealth visit type -
    1. You will see a section in the template titled “TeleHealth visit screening” with a list of items to confirm with the patient.
      • As you begin this confirmation script – consider reiterating the following – “If you are disconnected from our Zoom meeting, you will need to navigate back to the patient portal and re-join this TeleHealth appointment. If you are disconnected from this meeting and have not rejoined within 2 minutes, I will use the call back number you’ve provided to contact you.”
      • Note to Providers – you may also navigate back to PnCSchedule> Double click appointment> to view the call back number initially listed by the patient. (Please note – this is a free text area. The patient may have entered an invalid call back number.)
  11. Verifying Patient Identity -
    1. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    2. Identity may be verified in 2 ways at PUSH.
      1. By viewing the patient photo from PnCChart and referring back to the patient, you are in a zoom appointment with. (Clicking on the image within PnCChart will maximize the image giving you a better view.)
        1. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      2. Select ‘Pre-determined password’ with the knowledge that the patient had to use Dual Factor authentication in order to access the patient portal.
      3. To take a photo of your patients area of concern (NOTE – do not capture an image of the patients face) in the zoom meeting
        • Windows Start Menu> Snipping Tool > New > draw a square around the image of the student in the Zoom window> from Snipping Tool window> File> Save As> Name/Date and time photo> Save.
        • PnCChart> Photos (on the lower left hand side of the screen)> File Load> Choose File> Open> OK>
        • You may add this photo to the diagrams section of the encounter note. PnCChart>Encounter Pad> Diagrams> Insert Photo> Select Photo> Ok.
        • IMPORTANT NOTE if you are capturing and saving images of your Zoom TeleMed Visit– YOU MUST delete the file (File Explorer>Pictures>Find Images> right click and delete.) you will need to navigate back to the saved photos on your PC and delete them for security purposes.
  12. To end your Zoom meeting
    1. Select ‘End’ in the Zoom meeting window.
    2. Select ‘End meeting for all’


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