How to launch a TeleHealth visit within PnCSchedule – PUSH:
- Login to PnC (PointandClick - EHR) Web Apps.
- You should automatically see your PnCSchedule.
- Complete ONE of the following on the appointment you’d like to begin -
- If patient has not checked in: Right-click Appointment; click Check In + Go To Note
- If patient has checked in: Right-click Appointment; click Start Visit
- At any time: Double-click Appointment; click green Start button
- The Zoom client will open another browser window.
- Be sure to select the check box to ‘Always allow to open links of this type in the associated app.’
- Next, click ‘Open Zoom Meetings’
- Note – if the patient has already joined the Zoom meeting – it will appear in RED on your schedule.
- You will need to double click the appointment and select “Start Meeting”. Upon request, enter your Purdue Username and password
- The Zoom client on your desktop will launch and start the meeting.
- Click “Join Audio Conference by Computer”
- What the student sees prior to joining the Zoom meeting - In the OpenCommunicator student portal, the student will have a link to check in for a Telehealth appointment.
- What the student sees prior to joining the Zoom meeting continued - The student will verify their location if they have not already done so (which can have an impact due to state variations on telehealth laws and policies), and then click a link to join the meeting.
- The provider can verify the location in the scheduler.
- You should now see yourself and your patient in a Zoom meeting window.
- If your video has not started upon launching the meeting > across the bottom of the Zoom meeting window, You’ will need to click on ‘Start Video’.
- Best practice for virtual meetings is to maneuver your Webcam so that it appears that you are looking at your patient, even when you are charting/reviewing the chart. Take the time to adjust your WebCam now.
- You will also want to split your computer screen so that you may view the Zoom meeting as well as the patient chart.
- Across the bottom of the Windows desktop screen, you will see a tool bar. Right click on that tool bar and select “Show windows side by side”
- When you start your TeleHealth visit type -
- You will see a section in the template titled “TeleHealth visit screening” with a list of items to confirm with the patient.
- As you begin this confirmation script – consider reiterating the following – “If you are disconnected from our Zoom meeting, you will need to navigate back to the patient portal and re-join this TeleHealth appointment. If you are disconnected from this meeting and have not rejoined within 2 minutes, I will use the call back number you’ve provided to contact you.”
- Note to Providers – you may also navigate back to PnCSchedule> Double click appointment> to view the call back number initially listed by the patient. (Please note – this is a free text area. The patient may have entered an invalid call back number.)
- Verifying Patient Identity -
- Identity may be verified in 2 ways at PUSH.
- By viewing the patient photo from PnCChart and referring back to the patient, you are in a zoom appointment with. (Clicking on the image within PnCChart will maximize the image giving you a better view.)
- Select ‘Pre-determined password’ with the knowledge that the patient had to use Dual Factor authentication in order to access the patient portal.
- To take a photo of your patients area of concern (NOTE – do not capture an image of the patients face) in the zoom meeting
- Windows Start Menu> Snipping Tool > New > draw a square around the image of the student in the Zoom window> from Snipping Tool window> File> Save As> Name/Date and time photo> Save.
- PnCChart> Photos (on the lower left hand side of the screen)> File Load> Choose File> Open> OK>
- You may add this photo to the diagrams section of the encounter note. PnCChart>Encounter Pad> Diagrams> Insert Photo> Select Photo> Ok.
- IMPORTANT NOTE if you are capturing and saving images of your Zoom TeleMed Visit– YOU MUST delete the file (File Explorer>Pictures>Find Images> right click and delete.) you will need to navigate back to the saved photos on your PC and delete them for security purposes.
- To end your Zoom meeting
- Select ‘End’ in the Zoom meeting window.
- Select ‘End meeting for all’
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