An explanation on how to log on to FS Music fileshare.
In order to access the FS Music fileshare, the following will be necessary:
- Go to "File Explorer."
2. Go to "Computer."
3. Select "Map Network Drive."
4. Select any available drive letter.
5. In the "Folder" field, type \\fsmusic.ad.pfw.edu\Music Technology Server.
If you are accessing this resource from off-campus, you will first need to download and install the campus VPN software. Please refer to the following links for your computer:
Windows: https://service.purdue.edu/TDClient/32/Purdue/KB/ArticleDet?ID=774
Mac: https://service.purdue.edu/TDClient/32/Purdue/KB/ArticleDet?ID=775
Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Purdue Fort Wayne IT Services Help Desk at Kettler Hall, room 206; (260) 481-6030; helpdesk@pfw.edu.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.