Ag - How to use Software Center on a Managed Windows Computer


This article will take users through the steps of accessing Software Center and using it to install new software.



This Knowledge Base article will show you how to access and use Software Center on a Purdue Managed Windows Computer



  1. Click the Search Bar next to the Windows Start Menu on the task bar.
  2. In the Search Bar type Software Center
  3. Select Software Center to open the application.

    001_Software Center(click to enlarge)
  4. In Software Center, you will see a list of applications that are available for download by any user without administrator assistance.

    002_software center view(click to enlarge)
  5. Select the software you would like to install.
  6. On the page for the software, click Install

    003_install application screen(click to enlarge)
  7. The installation of the software will begin.

    004_software installing(click to enlarge)

    Note: If you are needing any other software available in software center, you can click Applications and re-do these steps for any other item you would like to install while your current selection is downloading or installing.
  8. Once the Software has installed, on the Application Details page of the software, you will find a status: Installed and option to Uninstall the software from Software Center.

    005_Program installed(click to enlarge)
  9. On the Installation Status section of Software Center, you can see the list of applications that have been installed through Software Center. The Installation Status section will also list software that was installed from Software Center that has updates available. Their status will be marked with "past due". These updates can be performed manually by following the steps above or by waiting for the next automatic pop-up requesting an update to the software.

    006_Installation Page view(click to enlarge)


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Article ID: 1406
Wed 2/26/25 11:15 AM
Wed 3/5/25 11:21 AM

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