How do I install Maple from Community Hub?


How to download and install Maple from Community Hub



The download from Community Hub for Maple contains three items:

  • The instructions.txt file which contains a link to the KB you are reading
  • The installer file needed to install Maple on your computer
  • The license.dat file you will use to license your copy of Maple


Installing Maple

After downloading Maple from Community Hub, fully extract the files within the zip download to a temporary location on your computer such as the 'Desktop'.

From this temporary location, launch the Maple Installer file.

Installer File

The 'Maple Setup Wizard' will begin.  Click 'Next'.

Read through the Licensing Agreement, and click 'I Accept the Agreement'.  Click 'Next'.

On the next screen, choose the installation directory.  It is highly recommended that this be left with the default value.  Click 'Next'.

Continue selecting the default installation options and clicking 'Next' until you arrive at the following screen:

Choose the type of licensing

Caution: Be sure to keep the default as Single User License.  Click 'Next'. 

Select the update options on the following screen, and click 'Next'. 

After any updates are downloaded, you will see a 'Pre-Installation Summary' screen.  Click 'Next'.

Once installation completes, you will be prompted to 'Activate' the version of Maple you are installing.  Caution: De-select the check-box or your licensing of Maple will fail.

Activate Maple 2015 now

Licensing Maple

Before launching Maple, you will need to place the 'license.dat' file in the proper location so that your copy of the program will be licensed.  

Navigate to the folder:

  • 'c:\Program Files\Maple ###\license' on Windows, where ### is the current version of the software
  • '/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/###/license' on Macs, where ### is the current version of the software.

Copy the 'license.dat' file into this folder.  You will need Administrator Permissions to copy the 'license.dat' file into the folder.  Once completed, your installation of Maple should be fully licensed for use.

On your first launch, you will receive the following notice:

You have installed a time limited edition of Maple.

Click on the 'OK' button.  Caution: Do not click Activate.

The license.dat file provided will expire at the end of August each year.  New license updates and new versions of Maple will be available on Community Hub.


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Article ID: 174
Tue 4/4/23 10:48 AM
Tue 4/4/23 10:49 AM

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