Data Cookbook is cloud-based software that serves as the enterprise repository of data definitions, reports and dashboards. It allows institutions to agree on shared definitions and document standard reports and dashboards. It is one part of the Data Governance program at Purdue.
Who can have access?
Data Cookbook is available to anyone with a Purdue Career Account.
How do I get access?
Using your Purdue Career Account, create a read-only account at:
How do I add definitions to Data Cookbook?
Departments that are interested in adding content to cookbook should contact the Data Governance Program Manager at
Where can I find more information?
Data Cookbook Training documents are located at:
What browsers are recommended for Data Cookbook?
Data Cookbook works best on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. Data Cookbook does not work as well on Internet Explorer.
What data is currently in Purdue's Data Cookbook? And what are the future plans?
Metadata from a large number of functional areas are available, including both Ellucian Banner (myPurdue) as well as SAP. Examples of functional areas contained include Student, FI, HR, Admissions, Research, Graduate Slate, and the Graduate School. The majority of Data Digest and Management dashboards are documented in Data Cookbook.
More information about Data Cookbook and the functional areas can be found on the IDA+A website:
Additional data sources are being added. Upcoming areas include Brightspace, additional administrative operations data, academic proposal metadata, as well as the metadata for the Purdue Moves Student Data Warehouse, being built in 2023.
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