Business Intelligence


Data, tools, services and expertise that equips Purdue's information producers when building effective, efficient, and high quality information.

How to Request this Service

  • Submit your request using the "Purdue IT Request" button to the right for requests about tools for business intelligence.

Report an Issue to notify support staff if a tool or process is not working as expected.

Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (37)

Guidance for editing a live survey in Qualtrics.
Guidance for setting up a Qualtrics survey requiring Purdue Login.
This article answers the question about sending Qualtrics surveys to people outside of Purdue.  Yes.
In order to transfer ownership of a survey, an approval from the current survey owner is required.
The Purdue Northwest and Purdue Fort Wayne Cognos environments will be merged into a Purdue unified Cognos Environment as part of the Cognos Migration project.
This guide outlines the steps needed to set up an initial connection to the Payroll Charge database. Once created, this connection will be saved and can be accessed easily.
HANA guide for payroll charge-XL
HANA Simplified Dataset Connection Guide
Guide for collaboration with Qualtrics
Instructions to create a Qualtrics account if you have a valid Purdue Career Account.
Instructions for sharing a link for a Qualtrics survey
Tableau Server is currently open to all faculty and staff at Purdue.
Guidance for running Tableau reports faster.
Enabling the Anonymize Responses setting is an effective way to permanently scrub a response of identifying information before saving it in the data.
How to check if people opted out of Qualtrics notifications

Service Offerings (1)

Business Intelligence Request
Business Intelligence Request