What are best practices for customer-focused ticket management in TDX?


A guide for best practices for providing customer-focused ticket management in the TDX portal.



The following is a guide for best practices for providing customer-focused ticket management in the TDX portal. 


Below are the general best practice steps for working on and resolving a customer ticket.  


Regularly monitor your group’s tickets. Look for mis-assigned tickets and re-route quickly (see below). 

Review (When the ticket is your group’s responsibility)  

Step 1: Ensure that you understand the issue from the customer’s perspective and any work already performed. 

  • REVIEW: Title, Description, and Feed 

Step 2: Send a public comment to the customer to clearly and politely ask for missing information. 

Step 3: If the ticket cannot be resolved within a day, send a public comment to the customer to let them know when to expect it to be resolved.   

  • UNLESS: The ticket was created with a submission form that does this automatically. 

Step 4: If you are unsure how to resolve the ticket, ask a teammate or escalate to your supervisor. 

Re-route (When the ticket is NOT your group’s responsibility) 

  • If you, a teammate, or your manager knows who is responsible, add a private comment explaining why you are reassigning it, then assign it to the new group. 


  • If no one in your group or your manager knows who is responsible, add a private comment explaining why you are transferring it, then unassign it to make it visible to the service desk(s). Alternatively, if you want to make it visible to a specific regional service desk, assign it to PURDUEIT_PFW_HELPDESK or PURDUEIT_PNW_CSC as needed. 


  1. Complete all work.  

  1. If additional work by another group is needed, document the work you completed and why you are transferring the ticket in a private comment, then assign it to the new group.  

  1. When all work is complete, send a public comment to the customer asking for confirmation and wait one business day before resolving. Do not assume that nothing else is needed.   

  • UNLESS: The work procedures are well understood and you are sure it is 100% complete as expected by the customer.   

  1. Resolve the ticket, but always indicate to the customer that they can reply if they have questions or concerns  


Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 368
Tue 6/13/23 4:30 PM
Wed 1/22/25 1:22 PM

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