Service Management


Service management is a discipline aimed at providing quality services that the University will value and use.

How to Request this Service

  • Submit your request using the "Purdue IT Request" button to the right for requests about tools for service management.
    • Request a new technician be added to TeamDynamix
    • Request a technician be removed from TeamDynamix

Report an Issue to notify support staff if a tool or process is not working as expected.

Request KB Candidate access to the Purdue IT knowledge base Notify ITSMO that a KB Article has been submitted for approval/publication Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (37)

Article provides checklist for ensuring articles meet content standard in the Purdue IT Knowledge Base
In TDX, assignment groups will be more closely aligned with organizational structure.
Instructions for viewing the status of your service requests or other reported issues to Purdue IT.
This is a guide for technicians on how to update their profile in TDX and what fields they can change.
This article provides step by step instructions for linking different tickets together in the TeamDynamix TDNext interface.
Large, unscheduled IT interruptions are displayed on the Purdue IT homepage,  Please check there to see if we already have an unplanned IT  interruption.

 If you feel that you are experiencing an unscheduled interruption of service, please contact the Purdue IT Service Desk by phone at (765) 494-4000.  If you are calling after normal business hours, you may press "0" at the prompt and your call will be routed to the Operations Center.
This article is designed to help Purdue IT to understand how to manage the Change processes in TDX and provides video to help users navigate the new workflow.
This article shows you how to create a desktop in TDX that shows you a list of articles owned by your group that are due for review or are set to be reviewed in the next 30 days.
This is a guide for technicians on how to update, assign, or comment on multiple tickets at the same time in TDX.
Instructions for reviewing and editing Knowledge Base articles.
Tickets that must be migrated to TeamDynamix manually will need to be recreated in TeamDynamix and then updated in FootPrints to notify the customer and resolve the ticket without sending a resolution notification.
The following is a guide for technicians updating tickets in TDX.
The Purdue IT Service Portal allows users to view tickets they have submitted, or been included on, inside the Team Dynamix portal.
This article is designed to help Purdue IT technicians respond to and record Incident and Service Requests using the TDX platform.


Service ID: 24
Wed 3/15/23 9:06 AM
Mon 5/20/24 3:45 PM

Service Offerings (3)

KB Contributor permissions request form
Users should submit this form after completing the steps outlined in the article "Internal Purdue IT: Knowledge Base instructions for users seeking KB Contributor/Team Lead access"
Knowledge Base Article submitted for approval and publication
This form is for Purdue IT users who have access to create articles in the Purdue IT knowledge base, but not approve or publish those articles. Users can use it to notify ITSMO that an article has been submitted for their review.
Service Management Request
Service Management Request