A virtual private network, or VPN, is used to allow authorized computers access to a central server remotely. Purdue Northwest VPN users should use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client to establish a VPN connection.
To download and install the AnyConnect client on personal devices:
- Cisco AnyConnect software is available through the Purdue IT CommunityHub page.
- After logging in with your Purdue Login, click on the option for Antivirus and Security Software.
- You will see options for Cisco AnyConnect for Personally Owned Computers and Cisco AnyConnect for University Owned Computers. You will be able to choose your operating system and download the software by following the prompts.
- It will download a zipped folder to your computer. Unzip this folder and then install the software. If you need assistance with these directions, please contact the CSC at 219.989.2888 or via the Virtual Helpdesk.
To download and install the AnyConnect client on a PNW-managed computer:
- Cisco AnyConnect is available on many University Owned Windows computers by going to the Microsoft Software Center on your Windows or macOS computer.
To download and install the AnyConnect client on a mobile device:
To connect to the PNW VPN Network using the Cisco AnyConnect client:
- Create a new connection to the url: (Teams that require specialized access may use a different address. That information will be communicated to that team directly.)
- Sign in using your career account username. The password will be your 4-digit PIN, PUSH or the 6-digit code from your Duo authenticator app.
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