Instructions to configure an Android phone for the College of Agriculture's AgIT VPN.
- Download "Cisco AnyConnect" app from the Google Play store.
- Accept the EULA terms and conditions
- Allow the app to make phonecalls.
NOTE: The app does not make phonecalls.
- Open the 'AnyConnect' app and tap 'Connection'.
- Tap 'Add New VPN Connection..."
In the 'Description' field, type 'PurdueVPN'.
- In the 'Server Address' field, type '' and tap 'OK'.
NOTE: Capitalization matters with the server address.
- Tap 'Done.'
- Slide the 'AnyConnect VPN' slider to the right to turn it on.
- Enter your career account username and BoilerKey password (2-factor - [password,push OR password,code OR PIN,push OR PIN,code]) in the fields as appropriate and tap 'Connect'.
- A dialogue saying 'Allow Connection' may pop-up. If desiring to allow this connection, tap 'OK'.
- Connected should now appear under the 'AnyConnect VPN' slider.
- To disconnect, simply slide the 'AnyConnect VPN' slider back to the left.
NOTE: The buttons and selections may vary slightly between versions of Android operating systems, but the settings will remain the same.
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