Article provides instructions on how to change the Owner, Moderator, or Editor of Listserv Lists.
1. Login to Listserv
2. Change your mode to Expert Mode

a. Click on name on upper-right corner
b. Select “Edit Profile”
c. Under “Mode” select thedrop down and select “Expert Mode”
d. Click on the “Save” button
3. Select “List Configuration” on the left section

4. If you manage multiple lists, click on the “Select List” dropdown and select the list you need to make changes to.
5. In the “List Header” section, select
a. “Owner=” if you need to add/remove a list owner
b. “Moderator=” if you need to add/remove a list moderator
c. “Editor” if you need to add/remove a list moderator
6. Add the email address/es, one per line

7. Click on the “Update” button on the lower-right to save your changes.
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