Knowledge Base: Embed a Video Into an Article


You can embed a video from Kaltura or YouTube into a knowledge base article to help your audience better understand the instructions in the article.


You can embed a video from Kaltura or YouTube into a knowledge base article to help your audience better understand the instructions in the article.  

Embedding a Video from Kaltura

  1. Log in to MediaSpace
  2. Select the title of the video you want to embed into your article.
  3. Select Share underneath the video preview player.
  4. Select Embed. A box with an iframe code will appear below.
  5. Copy the embed code.
  6. Go to edit mode of the TDX knowledge article you want to embed the video into.
  7. Select the Source button in the content editor to open up the html editor.
    Content editor with "souce" highlighted
  8. Place your cursor where you want the iframe to display and paste the embed code into the html editor.
  9. Select the Source button again to view the article with the embedded video and make any adjustments to the video placement as needed.

Embedding a Video from YouTube

  1. Go to the YouTube video you want to embed.
  2. Select the Share button underneath the video. A window appears with a carousel menu of places to share the video.
  3. Select the Embed Code option. A window appears with the video and an iframe code.
    YouTube video editor
  4. Select Copy below the code.
  5. Go to edit mode of the TDX knowledge article you want to embed the video into.
  6. Select the Source button in the content editor to open up the html editor.
    Content editor window with source highlighted
  7. Place your cursor where you want the iframe to display and paste the Embed code into the html editor.
  8. Select the Source button again to view the article with the embedded video and make any adjustments to video placement as needed.

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Article ID: 632
Mon 4/1/24 4:08 PM
Mon 4/1/24 4:10 PM

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