Purdue Fort Wayne- Computer Labs in Student Housing


The document provides information about the computer labs in student housing at Purdue Fort Wayne, including their location, availability, guidelines, and webprint service.


Computer Labs in Student Housing


The document provides information about the computer labs in student housing at Purdue Fort Wayne, including their location, availability, guidelines, and webprint service.


Student Housing Computer Labs

  • There are small computer labs consisting of 2 to 3 computers and a black and white printer in each of the buildings in student housing.
  • Generally they are located on the 3rd or 4th floor of each building in the lounge area.
  • Computers and printers in student housing are available 24/7 to all Purdue Fort Wayne students living there.
  • All computer lab guidelines and rules apply to the labs in student housing.

If there are any issues with the computers or printers in each lab, please contact the ITS Help Desk

  • Students can print via webprint to the student housing printers.
  • Follow the instructions in this article: https://service.purdue.edu/TDClient/32/Purdue/KB/ArticleDet.aspx?ID=642
  • When selecting a printer to print to, type the letters "WH" into the search bar and press enter.
  • The printers will be listed by building letter where WHA-315 is the printer in Waterfield Housing Building A, WHB-315 is Building B, etc.
  • When printing, funds will be used from your printing quota as if you were printing in a lab on campus.


Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 640
Thu 4/4/24 10:00 AM
Tue 4/30/24 10:58 AM

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