Purdue Fort Wayne- Installing Chemdraw


The document provides instructions on how to download Chemdraw, a software for drawing chemical structures, for students of Purdue Fort Wayne University.



The document provides instructions on how to download Chemdraw, a software for drawing chemical structures, for students of Purdue Fort Wayne University.


Information Technology Services has remote access available for labs but also have a refined process on how to download Chemdraw locally:


  1. Your course instructor should have the download and license information for the product already; it may by housed in their Brightspace course or you may need to ask for it.
  2. You should be able to register for an account, however, at Perkin Elmer at the following URL: https://gallery.cambridgesoft.com/register.html?FlexeraAccountId=2757SL
  3. Once you have registered using your university (@pfw.edu) email, you should be able to sign in and download the software!
  4. If you have already created an account, please use this URL to sign in. If you did not receive a password or need help resetting your password, use the “Password Finder” tool and/or feel free to reach out to their support team linked at the bottom of the sign-in page: https://perkinelmer.flexnetoperations.com/control/prkl/login


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Article ID: 714
Wed 5/15/24 12:23 PM
Wed 2/5/25 3:52 PM

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