Teaching & Learning Tools Request


Purdue IT supports several tools that facilitate Teaching & Learning.

Common Requests

  • Questions about the tools listed above
Links to related Knowledge Base articles can be found in the "Related Articles" panel.
Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (6)

Overview of the Library Reading List tool for use in Brightspace, with link to the resource on the Libraries web site.
The document provides instructions on how to download Chemdraw, a software for drawing chemical structures, for students of Purdue Fort Wayne University.
The document is a guide for students who want to install Matlab Applications from Mathworks on their personal devices.
A step-by-step explanation when there is a problem in Brightspace that shows Grade Items missing in Grades.
Provides instructions for scheduling classrooms for classes, staff gatherings, or organizational meetings.
Turnitin Originality is Purdue’s centrally supported originality checker and plagiarism detection tool for files submitted through Brightspace assignments.


Service Offering Id: 135
Thu 12/21/23 4:38 PM
Mon 6/24/24 4:05 PM