Microsoft Windows Company Portal is where you will find and install needed software and printers.
- Open the Start menu and type “Company Portal” in the Search area.
- You may wish to “pin” Company Portal to your taskbar for future use.

- Click on Apps icon on left side of screen. This is where you will find applications/printers downloading to your computer.
- TIP: Some applications will install on their own; others will wait for the next maintenance window (which is every morning from 2-5:30am)

- TIP: It may also be useful to monitor the “Downloads & Updates” on the left as well for Microsoft related updates that may be available. You can also change the view in the upper right side of the Company Portal.

3. If you are setting up your computer for the first time, you can see what apps have been installed (per Company Portal’s “Apps” tab status), restarting the computer is recommended.
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