How do I use Kaltura to capture video from my webcam?


This article provides step-by-step  instructions for using Kaltura to capture video from a personal webcam.



This article provides step-by-step  instructions for using Kaltura to capture video from a personal webcam.


Access the Add Media Options

The 'Add Media' button can be accessed in multiple ways.  Depending on how it is accessed will determine where the video is automatically embedded after recording.  Below shows a couple of the common options.

Option 1

Accessing the 'Add Media' button from a content area or folder.  Content added in this manner will be included inline with the other items in the content area or folder.

  1. Navigate to the content area (e.g. 'Course Content') or content folder where you'd like to include the webcam capture.
  2. Click 'Build Content'.
  3. On the menu that appears, click 'Kaltura Media' under the 'Mashups' section.
    Build Content Kaltura Media
  4. The 'Add Media' button will be in the upper right of the page. 
    Add Media
  5. If you decide this is the option you'd like to use, please skip to the next step: Accessing the Web Cam Interface.

Option 2

 Using the ' Kaltura Mashup Tool' with the text editor to directly embed video within the text box.  This can be used to embed video within any object that uses the text editor including: assignments, tests, discussions, feedback to students, items, etc.

  1. Access the text editor in the item where you want to directly embed video.
  2. Click the 'Mashups' button.
  3. Click 'Kaltura' Media'.
    Kaltura Mashup Tool
    NOTE:  Students can use the Mashup Tool from a standard assignment to submit a video as the submission.
  4. If you do not see the 'Mashups' button, click the 'Show more' double arrow to the right of the text editor toolbar, as shown below.
    More Button

Accessing the Webcam Interface

  1. Click 'Add Media'.
  2. Click 'Upload Media or record from webcam'.
    Upload or Record option
  3. Click the 'Webcam' tab on the left side of the window that appears.
    Webcam option
  4. Click 'Allow' when Adobe Flash Player requests for Camera and Microphone Access.
    Flash Player Settings

  5. The webcam interface will appear with a preview window of what the webcam is currently showing.
  6. Click the drop down list and select the webcam you want to use if you have multiple.
    Select your webcam

Recording Webcam Video

  1. After selecting the camera, click the 'Record' button to begin recording.
  2. A red timer will appear in the upper left of the preview window, indicating the recording is in progress.
    Record Stop button
  3. After you have finished recording, click the 'Stop' button.
  4. After stop is pressed, it will eventually show a 'Play', 'Record', and 'Next' button.
  5. Click 'Play' to preview the video and audio of the recording.
  6. Click 'Record' to erase the current recording and re-record.  This option will NOT continue with the current recording.
  7. Click 'Next' when you are satisfied with the recording.
  8. After 'Next' is clicked, a page will prompt you for a 'Title', 'Tags', and 'Description'.
    Video Settings
  9. Type in a name in the 'Title' textbox.
  10. Optionally, you can type tags and a description in these text areas as well.
  11. Click 'Next' when finished providing a title.
  12. A processing window will appear.  When this is finished it will indicate it has successfully uploaded to Kaltura.
    Processing Window

Finalizing the Webcam Video Submission

NOTE:  At this stage, the webcam video has been uploaded to your 'My Media'. If you need to re-add the video using the options mentioned during the first part, then the video can be added in the same manner as other existing videos, and it will not need to be completely re-done.

Option 1

Finalizing adding webcam video to a content area or content folder

  1. Type a title in the 'Title' text field under '1. Content Information' (Required).
  2. The rest of the settings are optional.  After verifying the settings, click the 'Submit' button at the bottom or top of the page.

Option 2

Finalizing adding webcam video via the 'Mashup Tool' from the text editor.

  1. The webcam video will appear within the text box.
    Video in Text Box
  2. After putting the final touches on the submission, click 'Submit' or if providing feedback click 'Save and Exit' or 'Save and Next'.

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 98
Tue 3/28/23 11:47 AM
Tue 3/28/23 11:47 AM

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