Lecture Capture Request


Purdue IT supports several tools that facilitate lecture capture.

Common Requests

  • Questions about the tools listed above


Links to related Knowledge Base articles can be found in the "Related Articles" panel.
Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (8)

This article contains a graphic showing exactly where to click to retrieve a BoilerCast capture of a lecture.
This article contains a link to instructions for recording your screen using Kaltura.
This article provides step-by-step  instructions for using Kaltura to capture video from a personal webcam.
The various projectors that are used in the classrooms and how to turn them off.
BoilerCast is a service that captures classroom lectures and makes them available for students on demand.
Camtasia is a software application for screen recording and video editing.
Video Express is the common name for self-service video recording sites on campus.
This article contains information and links for getting help with Video Express technical issues.