Purchasing Center Services - Business Office

Please complete one of the following forms to submit a request to the purchasing center. These forms are utilized for all business offices across Purdue West Lafayette Campus.  Each form will prompt a department to select, route to your appropriate business operations center to complete your request.

Place order Invoice Payment (ZV60) Pcard Receipt Receipt of Goods One-time Vendor Payment Vendor Request/Change Personal Reimbursement Living Allowance Consulting Payments General Inquiry- Purchasing

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Place order
This form is used to procure goods, please include any associated quote. If you have multiple vendors for your order, each vendor needs to be submitted per form.
Invoice Payment (ZV60)
This form is used for direct invoice payments (Check, ACH, Wire, SUA Payments). Please attach the invoice and required information to complete the payment to the vendor.
Pcard Receipt
This form is used to submit receipts associated with PCard purchases.
Receipt of Goods
This form is used to submit receipt of goods to fully receive orders for your purchase request.
One-time vendor payment
The One-Time Vendor process eliminates the need to set up new vendors in SAP. All submissions must include supporting documentation.
Vendor Request/Change
This form is used to request a new vendor, or request changes to an existing vendor in the SAP system.
Living Allowance
This form is used to process living allowances outlined in offer letters. https://www.purdue.edu/hr/buspur/nonemppay/perspayments.php
Consulting Payments
Refer to the consultant vs personal payments through Purdue HR website https://www.purdue.edu/hr/buspur/nonemppay/consultper.php
General Inquiry- Purchasing
If you do not see a form that categories your question/request, you can submit a general inquiry. The request will be routed to your appropriate purchasing center to respond.