Research Administration

PERA is an online platform designed to simplify all processes associated with grant applications and regulatory compliance.

PERA users will benefit from the system’s transparency from proposal development and routing to contract management and negotiations. Researchers will be able to monitor where research items stand in the process and view a log of associated activities.

PERA Support request

Related Articles (2)

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Purdue Excellence in Research Administration (PERA), has been established to streamline the research grant application process for all Purdue faculty. Through the Office of Research, PERA is implementing a new suite of software to modernize research-related business processes and technologies.

Service Offerings (1)

PERA Support Request
Use this form to request general support for the PERA system. To book a one-on-one meeting with Pre-Award or IACUC, select the links found on this page: If you choose to do this, you do not need to complete this form.