Ag - How to uninstall the unsupported version of Zoom(Windows)


This issue occurs when an older unsupported version of Zoom is installed on a profile that used that version before its discontinuation. The walkthrough below will take you through the steps needed to have all applications pointing to the new Zoom Workplace application.



NOTE: Zoom is whitelisted on managed devices, so you do not need elevated credentials to uninstall the application from your system.

  1. On your Windows computer, click the search bar on the taskbar next to the Windows Start Icon. In this search bar type: add or remove programs
  2. Select the add or remove programs application that shows up as the result

    001_add oir remove programs
  3. In the Installed Apps page that comes up, type Zoom in the search bar at the top

    002_search for Zoom
  4. When the Zoom application(s) show up, select the ellipses next to Zoom and click Uninstall.

    003_Zoom uninstall selection
  5. The Zoom uninstaller will run

    004_uninstaller will run


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